
Community Forums

The Seven Phases of Customer Journey: A Blueprint for Business Success

3:00 PM–3:30 PM Aug 3, 2023 (US - Pacific)

Palazzo Ballroom M


The Seven Phases of Customer Journey: A Blueprint for Business Success is an insightful session that provides a comprehensive understanding of the customer journey and its crucial role in driving business success. By breaking down the customer journey into seven distinct phases, this session enables you to focus on each phase systematically, ensuring that your approach aligns with your values and vision.

Eric will explore the seven phases of the customer journey – awareness, exploration, evaluation, conversion, onboarding, membership, and advocacy – and you will receive a thorough understanding of each phase, enabling you to develop targeted strategies that cater to the unique needs and preferences of your customers at each stage, as well as gain practical insights and best practices for optimizing your marketing, sales, and customer service efforts, ensuring that you deliver a seamless and memorable experience throughout the customer journey.