
Community Forums

Growing Revenue Through Co-Managed Opportunities

10:15 AM–11:15 AM Aug 3, 2023 (US - Pacific)

Palazzo Ballroom M

The concept of Growing Revenue Through Co-Managed Opportunities has become increasingly significant for Managed Service Providers. This business model and approach involves leveraging the strengths and expertise of both the MSP and the client, allowing them to focus on their core competencies while sharing resources and responsibilities.
Adopting a co-managed approach, MSPs can expand their service offerings and tap into new revenue streams, while creating a mutually beneficial partnership, ultimately leading to a profitable growth in top-line revenue for both parties.
From this session, you will gain insights into the benefits of the co-managed approach, including fostering a collaborative partnership, leveraging shared expertise, expanding service offerings, and we will hear directly from MSPs and end users about their experiences and lessons learned.